Tamayama Tetsuji News - 玉山鉄二

Saturday, February 17, 2007


 俳優、瑛太(24)らが出演する映画「銀色のシーズン」(羽住英一郎監督、12月公開)の撮影が行われている長野県白馬村の八方尾根スキー場で 17日午前8時15分ごろ、撮影用のやぐらを支えていたワイヤにリフトに乗っていたスキー客のスキー板が接触し、けがをする事故があった。

 大町署によると、川崎市の男性会社員(51)、娘の大学生(23)とリフトから約10メートル下のゲレンデに転落した福井県若狭町の男性教諭 (40)が軽傷を負った。同署は業務上過失致傷の疑いもあるとみて調べている。同やぐらは今後の撮影に使うもので俳優たちは現場にいなかった。

2007/2/19 Sanpso

Monday, February 12, 2007

由綾瀨遙夥拍小出惠介、郭在容執導的科幻韓片《我的機械人女友》,得到神戶市全力協助,由上月至本月底在當地的南京町及外國人居留地取景,而大 批神戶居民也義務充當臨時演員,實行為帶動本土旅遊業出一分力。此外,綾瀨遙的緋聞男友瑛太正於長野縣雪山拍攝新片《銀色季節》,由於連日來山上氣候欠 佳,令拍攝進度受阻。
12/02/2007 Sundaily

Friday, February 09, 2007

a review from IFFR 2007

(Posted In Action Asia Random Festival News Reviews Sci-Fi / Fantasy Thriller )

freesia_still01.jpgComing from the director of “Green Mind, Metal Bats” and based on the manga “Furîjia”, both with loyal followers, “Freesia - Bullets Over Tears” could count on being anticipated in its home country of Japan. Strange than that it has its world premiere at the International Film Festival Rotterdam!

Previous information about Freesia on Twitch can be found here, here and here.

“Another manga considered unfilmable has been filmed” claims the IFFR website, but when the script’s synopsis became known this production quickly was criticized by Furîjia fans by taking too many liberties with the manga’s characters and storylines. I have never read any Furîjia, but browsing about it made me wonder why the makers of “Freesia” bothered with acquiring the Furîjia license for this movie.

Sometimes a moviemaker just runs with the concepts of the thing he has licensed and creates his own thing of beauty with it. For example I applaud each and every change Mamoru Oshii made to "Ghost i/t Shell" when he made the movie version. But in this case I really wonder what director Kazuyoshi Kumakiri had in mind. He doesn’t so much run with the idea but takes a small stroll. The story is very shallow, a bare shadow of what is hinted at in the books, and what he does with the concept isn’t daring or interesting at all. The whole setup with hired killers who are state-endorsed to act either as "executioners" or "protectors" is wasted to tell a dime-a-dozen revenge tale where the biggest distinction is that both hunter and hunted aren't too interested in the outcome.

If you read the synopsis on the IFFR website you’ve basically seen the movie, so I won't repeat it. There isn’t anything else in it. A killer without emotion can be interesting, because you are fascinated by the fact that a human can become like that. The main character in Freesia gives you no cause for curiosity though: Hiroshi lost his emotions because he stood too close to a bomb which… well… makes you lose your emotions when you stand too close to it, one of the examples in this film of things happening… just because they happen. End of story for this character, and it doesn’t take long for the audience to lose as much interest in him as he has in the rest of the world. The action at the start is nice and promises a fun film, and when you see Hiroshi dispassionately eating lunch while a huge street riot breaks out around him I thought we might be in for a classic like "Battle Royale". But the movie sort of stops there, never adding anything new or taking the story anywhere interesting. Watching an emotionless person zombie-ing uncaringly through a silent and empty world gets mighty boring after a while. The other characters are either suffering from the same affliction as Hiroshi (and are therefore likewise uninteresting), or of the funny/irritating kind (and these aren’t involved in the story). The remaining action scenes are all fairly low key and while they have their moments they’ve all been done better elsewhere.

I could not connect with this movie. I found it inconsistent in its plot and too slow (this from a fan of the “Patlabor” movies and “Avalon”). It doesn't help that I saw this closely after "No Mercy For the Rude" which does everything this movie does, only far better. Of what I’ve seen this year at the IFFR “Freesia - Bullets Over Tears” got the lowest audience-rating (3.23, number 151 out of 190 films rated) and it got my lowest rating as well.


Chilling tale of cold killings

Back in the 1990s there was a spate of Japanese movies about alienated young guys who roamed the streets or countryside with a gun, a girl and an attitude. But "Nihonsei Shonen (The Boy Made in Japan)" (1995), "Secret Waltz" (1996) and other films inspired by Hollywood criminal-couples-on-the-road movies seemed to unfold in a fantasy world. This, after all, is Japan, where the closest young rebels come to actual bang-bang action is a fireworks display.

Freesia Rating: (4 out of 5)
Star Star Star Star Star
If you poked fun at his nerdy specs, Tetsuji Tamayama, starring in "Freesia," would probably kill you. (c)2006 JIRO MATSUMOTO/"FREESIA" PARTNERS

Director: Kazuyoshi Kumakiri
Running time: 103 minutes
Language: Japanese
Now showing (Feb. 9, 2007)
[See Japan Times movie listing]

Kazuyoshi Kumakiri's "Freesia (Freesia -- Bullet Over Tears)," based on an eponymous manga by Jiro Matsumoto, has most of the abovementioned qualities, including the unreality, but is not, like its predecessors, an exercise in directorial wish-fulfillment. Instead, it takes the more honest course of allegorical, dystopian division.

Set in a near-future Japan where revenge-for-hire has become legally sanctioned -- a throwback to the customs of the Edo Period -- "Freesia" has an artistic license to kill. Its gunplay is cool enough, with slick moves by both Tetsuji Tamayama, as the affectless hero, and editor Mototaka Kusakabe, whose quick, deft cutting adds impact to otherwise pedestrian action scenes. But the film has more on its mind than its own stylistics, thoroughly realized as they are.

Instead of coming on with the attitude, the film's three principals carry emotional scars from the past that have left them wary or, in the hero's case, incapable of ordinary human contact. Outwardly cold, they are inwardly sad, lonely types, and thus representative of urban Japan, circa 2007.

The coldest, by any measure, is the hero, Hiroshi (Tamayama), who 15 years earlier, as a teenage military cadet, helped conduct a bizarre experiment that left nearly 30 children instantly frozen on a snowy hillside. The experience drained him of all emotion, but he remains haunted by the memory of a girl survivor. Though he never saw her again in the flesh after that fateful day, she visits him in his dreams and even in daylight visions.

As the film begins he is starting a job as a hit man, working for a licensed agency that delivers revenge for a fee. The agency, though, is legally required to notify the intended victims, so they can defend themselves.

His employer, the beautiful-but-all-business Higuchi (Tsugumi), sends him out with two other hit men on his first assignment, to kill the proprietor of a ramen shop, whose crime is manslaughter while driving drunk. Unlike his shaky, excitable colleagues, Hiroshi is chillingly professional, pulling the trigger without a flicker of hesitation.

Meanwhile, Toshio (Hidetoshi Nishijima), Hiroshi's senior in the cadet corps and the conductor of the experiment (though not the one who conceived it), is now working in an auto garage. He is also in retreat from the world, but is still capable of human feelings, including pity and regret.

Hiroshi finally meets his match in a mysterious old guy known only as "The Ghost" (Hiroshi Oguchi), who immediately susses that Hiroshi can no longer feel pain, emotional or physical. A vicious stab wound barely fazes him, though the blood gushes out. Then, after he recovers, Higuchi hands him another assignment: Toshio, whom she has personal reasons for wanting dead. Who is this woman, really -- and what is she to Hiroshi? What do they share besides a business relationship? The standard movie answer would be "a love that conquers all," but Kumakiri takes a harder, less conventional path to his ending. There are, he implies, wounds that never heal, acts that can never be forgiven. Vengeance, though, offers no real solution -- or even satisfaction. The hit men and their targets are mostly desperate types, who kill out of self-preservation. At the same time, Hiroshi's eerie calm expresses, not grace under pressure, but his dehumanization.

Playing Hiroshi, Tamayama looks vaguely Clark Kent-ish (the clean jaw and black-rimmed glasses) and Edward Scissorhands-ish (the retro leather zip jacket and air of being an alien in the human world). As Toshio, Nishijima is the usual loner-with-a-past, though his nervous intensity provides a welcome contrast to Tamayama's blankness. (Otherwise the movie would sink into a coma.)

Tsugumi's Higuchi occupies a middle ground, chilled in the same way as Hiroshi, but still able to express normal emotions, however masked. The question, which she rightly refrains from answering to the end, is how much. Enough to save Hiroshi -- or just wake him for a moment from his frozen state?

Sounds grim, doesn't it? Kuma-kiri, who began his career as the maker of the horrifically violent "Kichiku Daienkai (Kichiku: Banquet of the Beasts)" (1998), still has dark corners in his psyche. As he confesses in the program interview, "Freesia" is less a genre job for hire, than another entry in a troubled spiritual journal. But its chill is also the real-world deal, global warming or no. And you don't need a gun to feel it. Just open those theater doors -- baby, it's cold outside.

The Japan Times Friday, Feb. 9, 2007

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

惠梨香、祐太 共嘗海膽煎餅




Saturday, February 03, 2007



04/02/2007 Sun Daily

瑛太綾瀨遙 忙拍外景苦相思

日 本 男 星 瑛 太 近 年 於 影 視 界 嶄 露 頭 角 , 目 前 他 正 為 《 海 猿 》 導 演 羽 住 英 一 郎 執 導 之新 片 《 銀 色 季 節 》 到 雪 山 取 景 。 今 次 瑛 太 會 跟 田 中 麗 奈 及 玉 山 鐵 二 發 展 出 三 角 關 係, 同 片 還 有 佐 藤 江 梨 子 參 與 演 出 , 令 該 套 集 愛 情 與 友 情 一 身 的 新 片 被 譽 為 是 「 雪 地版 海 猿 」 , 電 影 安 排 在 今 年 十 二 月 在 日 本 上 映 。

從 去 年 十 二 月 起 , 瑛 太已 跟 大 隊 出 發 到 本 州 中 部 的 長 野 縣 雪 山 取 景 , 拍 攝 期 長 達 四 個 月 ; 適 逢 其 緋 聞 女 友綾 瀨 遙 亦 與 小 出 惠 介 在 關 西 的 神 戶 拍 攝 韓 片 《 我 的 機 械 人 女 友 》 , 兩 人 相 距 兩 縣 之遠 , 就 算 乘 車 經 高 速 公 路 也 要 行 駛 逾 六 百 公 里 。

2007/2/4 Orientaly Daily




 テーマでもある敵討ちについて聞かれると「幼いころオヤジが『もしも子供たちに何かあったら仕返しする』と言っていたような気がする。その血が流 れているんだろうな、と思います」。勇ましい言葉の一方、熊切監督の「玉山くんはレンズを通して見ても肌がきれい。今は焼けてるけど、撮影時は真っ白だっ た」といったほめ言葉を聞くと、少年のように照れていた。つぐみ(30)も出席。

[2007年2月4日 Nikkansports


 俳優、玉山鉄二(26)の主演映画「フリージア」(熊切和嘉監督)が3日、公開初日を迎え、東京・渋谷アミューズCQNで舞台あいさつ。感情のな い役を演じたため、撮影中は意識的に共演者とコミュニケーションを取らなかったことを明かし「正直現場が辛く、楽しみをどこに持っていったらいいかと思う 毎日でした」。

2007/2/4 Sanspo



 玉山は「敵討ち? 自分はやり返したい気持ちが強い」と“目には目を”の世界を支持。一方のつぐみは「撮影前は賛成だったけど、命の重さに迷って ます。まだ結論は出てません」と話した。重いテーマの作品に客席もシーンとしたが、最後は豆まきで締めくくり。場違いな「鬼は外、福は内」に玉山も苦笑し ていた。

(2007年2月4日06 Yomiuri

「フリージア」 (小学館、東宝など)





 銃撃戦が繰り広げられる商店街や住宅街に、現代に通じる殺伐とした空気が漂っているところが妙にリアルで恐ろしい。玉山は、殺人機械のようでいな がら無垢(むく)な男が、過去と向き合うことで人間的な感情を取り戻す姿を好演。全編に虚無感が漂いながらも、命の重みや希望も感じさせる。1時間43 分。渋谷アミューズCQNなど。(津久井美奈)

2007年2月2日 読売新聞

偷拍《NANA》男星玉山鐵二 搭上22歲淺見Reina
拍到搭上劇集《Brother Beat》的22歲拍檔淺見Reina!

[映画]玉山鉄二 熱演しすぎて誤解された?

[映画]玉山鉄二 熱演しすぎて誤解された?

2007年2月3日 更新

[ 4分56秒 動画 動画 56k | 300k ] (Windows Media Player 単位:bps)

松本次郎の同名コミックの実写版映画「フリージア」が公開初日を迎え、主演の玉山鉄二らが舞台あ いさつを行った。感情も感覚もない冷酷な“敵討ち代行人”を演じた玉山は、役に入り込みすぎて撮影中は共演者とほとんど話をしなかったそうで、クランク アップ後の打ち上げで「普段はこういう自分ではないので…」と誤解(?)を解いたことを明かした~渋谷アミューズCQN、新宿K’s cinemaほかに て公開中 配給:シネカノン~



 テーマでもある敵討ちについて聞かれると「幼いころオヤジが『もしも子供たちに何かあったら仕返しする』と言っていたような気がする。その血が流 れているんだろうな、と思います」。勇ましい言葉の一方、熊切監督の「玉山くんはレンズを通して見ても肌がきれい。今は焼けてるけど、撮影時は真っ白だっ た」といったほめ言葉を聞くと、少年のように照れていた。つぐみ(30)も出席。

[2007年2月3日 Nikkansports